StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · bollinger bands<< 1 ... 19 20 21 22 23 >>Post Follow-up
10 posts
msg #42397
Ignore greenbacksclub
3/23/2006 6:26:05 PM

I use the bbands as a setup for my option trades, a couple of guys helped me out with setting up a screen thats doing pretty much the same thing you are looking for take a look at the (help/sos/help) post. I still need to figure out how to re-word whats in that bullish screen for a bearish one also. do me a favor and post the screen (if you havent already done so) so I can try and fine tune my stuff a bit more... I think for me its been working out great but trying to key in on those types of price patterns has been difficult(until stockfetcher that is) my screenbuilding skills are in their infancy. Anyway thanks for sharing.

6,466 posts
msg #42399
Ignore TheRumpledOne
3/23/2006 8:11:21 PM

NO, Muddy didn't short... I said he bought the breakouts.

Somewhere I think I posted an UPPER BOLLINGER PIERCED BY WHITE CANDLE filter.

msg #43135
Ignore __fetcheruser123
4/23/2006 1:00:55 AM

Where can one find the muddy filter that people are talking about in this post??? It seems very interesting.

6,466 posts
msg #43863
Ignore TheRumpledOne
5/18/2006 4:31:46 PM

POP to the top!

The original:


8 posts
msg #46672
Ignore add1186
8/30/2006 9:29:22 AM

To the RumpledOne....your 3/23/2006 post refers to a "UPPER BOLLINGER PIERCED BY WHITE CANDLE" filter. I have searched extensively for this filter even using your suggestion that it might be in a TxTrapper post but have not yet found it. Would you be kind enough to point me in the right direction?

6,466 posts
msg #46673
Ignore TheRumpledOne
8/30/2006 9:58:00 AM

/* White Candle Piercing Upper Bollinger Band */

set{CCb,days(close is above close 1 day ago,100)}
set{CCa,days(close is below close 1 day ago,100)}
set{CxC, CCa - CCb}

set{E5b,days(close is above ema(5),100)}
set{E5a,days(close is below ema(5),100)}
set{CxE5, E5a - E5b}

set{E13b,days(close is above ema(13),100)}
set{E13a,days(close is below ema(13),100)}
set{CxE13, E13a - E13b}

set{E1326b,days(ema(13) is above ema(26),100)}
set{E1326a,days(ema(13) is below ema(26),100)}
set{E13xE26, E1326a - E1326b}

set{HiOp,high - open} set{OpLo, open - low}

set{Cx5a, count(close crossed above ema(5),1) - count(close crossed below ema(5),1)}

set{Cx5b, count(close above ema(5),1) - count(close below ema(5),1)}

set{Cx5, Cx5a + Cx5b}

set{Cx13a, count(close crossed above ema(13),1) - count(close crossed below ema(13),1)}

set{Cx13b, count(close above ema(13),1) - count(close below ema(13),1)}

set{Cx13, Cx13a + Cx13b}

set{x1326a, count(ema(13) crossed above ema(26),1) - count(ema(13) crossed below ema(26),1)}

set{x1326b, count(ema(13) above ema(26),1) - count(ema(13) below ema(26),1)}

set{x1326, x1326a + x1326b}

set{xBB1, count(HIGH crossed above the upper bollinger band (20),1) - count(LOW crossed below the lower bollinger band (20),1)}

set{xBB2, count(close above the upper bollinger band (20),1) - count(close below the lower bollinger band (20),1)}

set{xBB, xBB1 + xBB2}

set{xLR1, count(HIGH crossed above the top linear regression line(60),1) - count(LOW crossed below the bottom linear regression line(60),1)}

set{xLR2, count(close above the top linear regression line(60),1) - count(close below the bottom linear regression line(60),1)}

set{xLR, xLR1 + xLR2}

/* set{v, average volume(8)} */

set{v, volume 1 day ago}
set{volinc, volume - v}
set{volpc, volinc / v}
set{volpct, volpc * 100}

set{VolZ, days(volume < 1,100)}
set{VolUp, days(volume is below volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VolDn, days(volume is above volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VolCnt, VolUp - VolDn}

set{vck1, volume 1 day ago }
set{vck, volume / vck1 }
set{vdays, days(vck < 2, 100)}

set{T10, count(10 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T60, count(60 day slope of the close above 0,1)}
set{T200, count(200 day slope of the close above 0,1)}

Set{a1, T200 * 1}
Set{a2, T60 * 10}
Set{a3, T10 * 100}

Set{aa, a1 + a2}
Set{TREND, aa + a3}

set{dojix, close - open}
set{doji,days(dojix equal 0,100)}

set{BTSize, min(open, close) - low}
set{BT1, BTSIZE / min(open, close)}
set{BTpct, BT1 * 100}

set{ZVol, count(volume below 1 , 100)}
set{ZVolD, days(volume below 1 , 100)}

/* Momentum Days since last CrossOver */

set{MoMoX, days(momentum(2) below

cma(momentum(2),20), 100) - days(momentum(2)

above cma(momentum(2),20), 100)}

/* Momentum Days since CrossOver of Zero line


set{MoMoZ, days(momentum(2) below 0, 100) -

days(momentum(2) above 0,100)}

/* Momentum Trend */

set{MoMoD1, momentum(2) 1 day ago}
set{MoMoT, days(momentum(2) below MoMoD1, 100) - days(momentum(2) above MoMoD1, 100)}

and add column volpct

and add column VolUp
and add column VolDn

and add column VolCnt
and add column Vdays {Vdbl}
and add column VolZ

and add column ZVol
and add column ZVolD

and add column Trend

and add column doji

and add column CxC {CxC_}
and add column CxE5 {CxE5}
and add column CxE13 {CxE13}
and add column E13xE26 {E13xE26}

/* and add column Cx5 {C_x_5} */
/* and add column Cx13{C_x_13} */
/* and add column x1326 */

and add column xBB {BBx}
and add column xLR {LRx}

set{CEH, count(close equal high,1)}
add column CEH {CeqH}
set{OEL, count(open equal low,1)}
add column OEL {OeqL}

and add column MoMoX
and add column MoMoZ
and add column MoMoT

and add column RSI(2) 5 day low
and add column RSI(2) 13 day low
and add column RSI(2) 26 day low
and add column RSI(2) 50 day low
and add column RSI(2) 200 day low

and sort column 4 descending

bollinger Width(20,2) reached a new 6 month low within the last 5 days
and close above open
and close above the upper bollinger band (20)
and open below the upper bollinger band (20)

/* ************** Begin documentation
Trend = xyz.00
where x = 1 for 10 day uptrend, 0 for 10 day downtrend
where y = 1 for 60 day uptrend, 0 for 60 day downtrend
where z = 1 for 200 day uptrend, 0 for 200 day downtrend

doji is number of days since last doji (Open = Close)

pd2345 and pd6789 are POSITIVE DIVERGENCE indicators... 1000 for pd2345 is a 2 day pos div, 100 is 3 day, 10 is 4 day and 1 is 5 day... ditto for pd6789

nd2345 and nd6789 are NEGATIVE DIVERGENCE indicators... should be obvious to the reader!

CxC is number of consecutive days close above (+)/below(-) previous close

volup is number of consecutive days volume increasing

Vdays is the number of consecutive days volume doubled or more

btsize is bottom tail size (close - low)

pct1, pct2, pct5 is number of days out of last 100 days the stock went up 1,2,5 pct from the open price.. can use for exits!!

p1l is High - Open (for going long)

p1s is Open - Low (for going short)

rr is the rsi(2) low indicator if 200 then current rsi(2) is at a 200 day low, 50 = 50 day low, etc...

streak is the number of consecutive days rsi(2) < 1

Cx5 is 1 when close crossed above ema(5) BUY!, -1 when crossed below - don't buy!

Cx13 is 1 when close crossed above ema(13), -1 when crossed below

x1326 is 1 when ema(13) crossed above ema(26) BUY!, -1 when crossed below - don't buy!

/* xBB:
1 = High crossed above Upper Bollinger Band(20),
2 = close above Upper Bollinger Band(20),
0 = no cross,
-2 = close below lower Bollinger Band(20),
-1 = Low crossed below lower Bollinger Band(20) */

/* xLR:
1 = High crossed above Top Linear Regression Line(60),
2 = close above Top Linear Regression Line(60),
0 = no cross,
-2 = close below Bottom Linear Regression Line(60),
-1 = Low crossed below Bottom Linear Regression Line(60) */

************** End documentation */


20 posts
msg #46846
Ignore mantis2k4
9/11/2006 11:18:32 AM

I'm sure many of us have used this system in one form or another in different market conditions over the years. I was just wondering if anyone has made serious money doing so, or lost their life savings, or are just paper trading. Share your story! I look forward to finding out how this system really fairs in the market.

2,824 posts
msg #46851
Ignore nikoschopen
9/11/2006 4:19:41 PM

Uhmm, here's a variation on the theme of Muddy's BB setup:

count(upper bollinger band(17) above upper bollinger band(17) 1 day ago,20) above 10
price touched lower keltner band(7)
set{hammer,count(close above open,1) * count(open above Day Position(0.50,1),1)}
hammer above 0

price above 5
avgvol(17) above 300000

draw Keltner band(7)
do not draw hammer
chart-time is 6 months

P.S. In my mind, BB is nearly worthless by itself. Once you couple it with the Keltner channel, however, it becomes a different breed.

622 posts
msg #46852
Ignore luc1grunt
9/11/2006 5:30:26 PM

Muddy Combined with RSI2 (and a couple mods from myself)...make consistent profits. July and August were rough and I seldom used them those two months.

For the one's I have chosen, they have performed very well. I would not use the scan results for automated trades though. Also, I don't touch anything that does less than a million shares a day, so that alone eliminates quite a few. Backtests are tough because the "pop" may be large, but short lived. Many times the "pop" is itraday only then it closes with a small gain then dies the next day. Just my $.02

3 posts
msg #47582
Ignore kearsigirl
10/22/2006 8:55:05 PM

could you include the basic set up for this filter. I am still learning how to do it and not sure how to set it up. Thanks! I am looking forwad to 71% :) I understand the concept jsut never been good at setting up formulas!

StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · bollinger bands<< 1 ... 19 20 21 22 23 >>Post Follow-up

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