cello13 88 posts msg #50292 - Ignore cello13 |
2/28/2007 2:58:20 AM
Hi all
I think, a lot of you didn't recognice that post of WSG. Read it yourself:
In the event some of you missed it....the "Triple NEGATIVE divergence" has taken place. I told all of you I would let you all know when the good times were behind us....so I'm telling you now!
You don't pull on Superman's cape, and you don't continue to buy stocks when THEMIGHTYRIGGS tells you to stop! It was a great run we all had, and I hope you all made a fortune like I did. But all good thinks come to an end, and today should have told you...."the end is now!"
Tomorrow the MA(20)will be violated in the s&p 500 for the second time in a month (very bad), and in the up coming days, price will fall past $1414 area and head for a steady and lengthy decline. Hold on tight!
Ya see, in this long run I predicted, the MA(20)was always there to catch us prior to a triple top fall....but as you can well see, even the MA(50)has traveled too close to price. And the (50)day is above our next support level. We need that to be BELOW the price area of $1414.
Notice how in the last 6 weeks or so, RSI(2)has hit NEGATIVE divergence twice now! That's very bad for us. When you get the (20)&(50)days too close to DMA and the Linear Regression Indicator(20)...it's a recipe for disaster!
Get to higher ground!...don't worry about me, and I'll let ya know when it's over!
judgetrade 107 posts msg #50293 - Ignore judgetrade |
2/28/2007 6:47:00 AM
I would agree, the party is over until autum.
Leading stocks are bleeding like hell. I am flat for my long term positions.
Sold two days ago 75% (before the drop, I usually sell in spring, and get back in autum) and yesterday the rest!
WALLSTREETGENIUS 983 posts msg #50295 - Ignore WALLSTREETGENIUS modified |
2/28/2007 7:34:12 AM
petrolpeter 439 posts msg #50299 - Ignore petrolpeter |
2/28/2007 9:36:02 AM
Was going to mention that QID was at a 2 month double bottom,too late now.Remember QID,SDS,and DXD can be played using bullish filters and indicators during falls and downdrafts.
markcrisp 187 posts msg #50310 - Ignore markcrisp |
2/28/2007 12:36:58 PM
yeah simply look at support/resistance on the weekly averages. No need for mumbo jumbo indiactors at all.
cello13 88 posts msg #50311 - Ignore cello13 |
2/28/2007 1:38:55 PM
By the way, thanks WSG! Hope you keep on forecasting the market :-)
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #50318 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
2/28/2007 5:38:33 PM
Don't confuse people with the facts!
We all know that "even a broken clock is right twice a day".
alf44 2,025 posts msg #50317 - Ignore alf44 modified |
2/28/2007 9:40:00 PM
"I tried to warn you...."
WOW !!!
Thanks for the timely "warning" ! LOL
Riggsy...you screaming "GOD HELP US ALL"...only to have the Market continue HIGHER and make numerous NEW HIGHS for a Month AFTER your "warning"...isn't exactly what I would call accurate OR timely !
Give me a break !
limestar 79 posts msg #50324 - Ignore limestar |
2/28/2007 10:55:16 PM
You could have been short with all your cash like I was 2 days before heading into the drop. That two month runup against a position would shake every trader out of it by the time the drop hit. Nobody is sitting through that runup. Nobody smart that is.
BTW I'm long now, for a little bit, then I'll get back on the short bus with Riggs.
The spy chart posted shows 142 as the first test to the upside.