lockwhiz 206 posts msg #51776 - Ignore lockwhiz modified |
5/24/2007 2:10:57 PM
... I think the TradeStation tool set is awesome .... and fees are low. It has totally changed my trading techniques..... I couldn't prosper as well without their trading platform. I am a little green on the EasyLanguage programming.... but the ability to have fully automated trading based oon pre-set criteria is awesome. No bridge jumping.
dangreene 229 posts msg #51778 - Ignore dangreene |
5/24/2007 2:58:35 PM
After logging into kreslik.com, the picture becomes much clearer.
If TRO was pumping maddashforcash.com/tro as hard on tradestation as he is on kreslik.com ..... no wonder they got tired of it.
kreslik.com acknowledges their leading posters. TRO leads the way with 1,343.
The funny thing is that Michal Kreslik himself is a DISTANT second with 701 posts.
5/25/2007 7:28:35 PM
"If TRO was pumping....."
Dan -
"If"???? Are you kidding me? Look what he does here! He does this EVERYWHERE! The guy has absolutely no life! I would love to see his trading log, because as much as he posts all over the world, no way in hell he has time to fight with market makers from 9:30-3 everyday like most of us do. Yes...the guy is a statistical machine and makes life easier for SOME people, but for the most part too me...he's nothing but a drama queen! But I do love giving him sh*t for it....
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #51806 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
5/25/2007 8:45:38 PM
1) I never said I didn't like the TradeStation platform. In fact, I still want to use it. First, because the Matrix is fast for daytrading and second, because I have about 3 years invested in my AutoAvery automated strategy. I haven't told anyone NOT to use TradeStation. I am still writing code for the TS platform.
2) I never advertised anything on the TS platform. I just posted code and helped others with their problems. I never advertised anything here on StockFetcher either. All you have to do is check the posts. maddashforcash.com/tro is part of my signature line. No pumping. Kreslik setup the site so I could have a place to post freely. He thought I deserved better than the yahoo forum. I am the leading poster there because I post code, answer questions, post screenshots, etc...
3) It's the TS policies and their uneven application of said policies that I have a gripe about. Either you fight for what you believe in or you might as well bend over and take it up the (_*_)
4) Riggs, I wonder you don't like me? Was it because you used my code and learned a few things? No need to reply. Besides, the best trading is the first 60 minutes after the open. Why bother trading the rest of the day, if you're a scalper?
5) I just want to make as many people as possible aware of the situation. If enough people call or email TradeStation, they just might finally listen.
5/25/2007 11:17:01 PM
4) Riggs, I wonder you don't like me? Was it because you used my code and learned a few things? No need to reply. Besides, the best trading is the first 60 minutes after the open. Why bother trading the rest of the day, if you're a scalper?
Yeah...darn right you don't want me to reply! Your "code" was about as useful as a used condom! And the "first 60 minutes?" lol...don't make me laugh!...everybody knows the "first 60" is short for bankrupt! What a joke...no wonder you have so much time on your hands...
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #51810 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
5/25/2007 11:59:21 PM
Riggs, if memory serves me correctly you based your filters on my code.
When you do think stocks usually FILL THE GAP? During or after the first 60 minutes?