Eman93 4,750 posts msg #82392 - Ignore Eman93 |
11/4/2009 12:22:48 AM
others to watch
Eman93 4,750 posts msg #82451 - Ignore Eman93 |
11/4/2009 9:47:46 PM
I think there is a rule that states on FED day the Market shall sell off from 3 to 4 no matter what happens.....
I can remember last few times this happend.....the old market vets would say its a typical fed day sell off, not anything in the market as sure a bet as that sell off into the close.
Eman93 4,750 posts msg #82453 - Ignore Eman93 |
11/4/2009 10:02:42 PM
More fun with options..... It was up to 4500 befor the short cover bounce...WOW!!
But could lose that much that fast also.....

Eman93 4,750 posts msg #82454 - Ignore Eman93 modified |
11/4/2009 10:27:40 PM
More options stuff
On OCT 20 the RUT 570 Nov Put was around $6
so you buy 10 for 6000.... this is you max loss as long as you sell to close before exp...... it got to a high of 25 on Nov 2nd
say you sold some time that day for 20 you just made 20K on a 6000 dollar bet..........
dont need to win many to make out.... big moves are needed....
Eman93 4,750 posts msg #82457 - Ignore Eman93 modified |
11/4/2009 10:49:37 PM
RRGB is reporting after the bell Thursday...
All the other eatery types have done well so far and TXRH popped off a good earnings report also.........
I read a lot of put buying....... which could indicate a good report and pop..... betting that this put buying is the dumb money
Most traders that wanted out are already gone at this piont....... so a spark of good news could send it up.....
High short ratio of 9.6 so shorts may try to get out before earnings... if the overall market tanks this one my end up green.... keep your eye on it....
Eman93 4,750 posts msg #82458 - Ignore Eman93 modified |
11/4/2009 10:59:46 PM
If any one wants to look up what the street is looking for on RRGB and post it here that would be great...... I may have time at the close to trade this in the AH right off the news but I need to know the forward 2010 expectaions and guidence.....anyone have an easy way to find this? Do I just check the S&P report or what?
Eman93 4,750 posts msg #82511 - Ignore Eman93 |
11/5/2009 5:03:04 PM
Let the Turkey Rally ensue........ I bought DD and TNA .... the RUT closing above 576 is bullish....also a kind of 2b reversal
Walid 130 posts msg #82516 - Ignore Walid |
11/5/2009 5:48:06 PM
I noticed you are using MACD(3,16,10). Chet also wrote the filter using these parameters. How are these parameters working for you. Mine is much slower. Were these parameters a result of optimization testing for the 3-key or they just happen to be your personal favorites?.
Thanks in advance
Eman93 4,750 posts msg #82532 - Ignore Eman93 |
11/5/2009 10:50:41 PM
I did run a back test on the 3 keys the results were not great....
I did not try to run it on DIA or some of the older ETFs... I dont think you can back test an index?
but what you see on the charts are fact....it seems to work on the index...
Any grade school kid could look at the RUT chart today and if you ask them what do you think it will do tomorrow and they will all say up....we know it will do 1 of 3 things up down or sideways....all the other indicators just help me pull the trigger....keep me from waiting one more day..... do they work every time.....no.....
I think the real key to this game is stock selection..... you get a list from your filter.... if its a good filter if 1/2 will be winners....
So how then do you pick? (if any of the old vets want to throw a bone here is your chance) this is where I am now..... fundamentals and sector play a role.... short intrest and currency..... customer base.... the micro and macro of the company.... fed and taxes.....as you can see it would take a huge amount of time to research each one for a 3 day swing.... so what to do? you can buy the IBD 100.....you can start to build a list of names and wait for them to pull back and get in.
Walid 130 posts msg #82535 - Ignore Walid modified |
11/5/2009 11:51:53 PM
Your method of mixing technical and fundamental analysis is interesting. I almost never do this myself unless I am buying something for my son’s portfolio which is a long term as you might guess. In such case, the fundamental analysis will be the main decision making method and technicals are only to get the best entry and avoid some initial heat if I can. The rest of my work – scalping, day trading or swinging – are based on technicals only. But this is just me. If it works for you, this is what you should be doing. Good luck