StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · POLITICS GOES HERE<< 1 ... 41 42 43 44 45 ... 76 >>Post Follow-up
6,411 posts
msg #98258
Ignore TheRumpledOne
12/28/2010 9:51:09 AM

6,411 posts
msg #98419
Ignore TheRumpledOne
1/5/2011 10:26:14 AM

6,411 posts
msg #98439
Ignore TheRumpledOne
1/5/2011 3:50:18 PM

They came first for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and by that time no one was left to speak up.

81 posts
msg #98454
Ignore rharmelink
1/6/2011 12:47:30 AM

To be fair -- FIRST they came for the murderers, then the rapists, then the thieves and burglars, etc, etc. It's all a matter of where the line should be drawn.

What I find interesting is this comment in the article:

"Language inserted in the act does partially define “homegrown terrorism” as “planning” or “threatening” to use force to promote a political objective, meaning that just thinking about doing something could be enough to merit the terrorist label."

Wouldn't that apply to the new law itself? It certainly is using force to promote a political objective.

6,411 posts
msg #98749
Ignore TheRumpledOne
1/26/2011 4:27:15 PM


When should US citizens take up arms against the government? You do realize that IS the reason for the SECOND AMENDMENT, ,right?

12,036 posts
msg #98762
Ignore johnpaulca
1/26/2011 11:26:08 PM

Thanks...I should have done some DD before posting.

6,411 posts
msg #98764
Ignore TheRumpledOne
1/27/2011 2:34:18 AM

Rep. Michele Bachmann Delivers Tea Party Response to State of the Union

115 posts
msg #98769
Ignore machismo
1/27/2011 2:09:56 PM

@ JP: the Target email thing is a bit of a hoax, and partially true. Target did ban salvation army from standing outside it's store as part of enforcing their solicitation policy seems like in 2004, along with some other stores that were already doing it.

"Target isn't the only chain that prohibits solicitation. You won't find bell ringers at Best Buy, Home Depot or Barnes and Noble either."

The hoax explained here , the quotes about only supporting gays, lesbians etc its all made up.

Targets Salvation Army page.

"Target has one of the largest and most respected corporate philanthropy programs in America, donating 5% of its income to communitiesmore than $3 million per weekand hundreds of thousands of volunteer hours each year to non-profit organizations across the country. Forbes magazine recently ranked Target as the "Most Charitable Company in America.""

Target workign with Salvation Army

just FYI nothing else.

1 posts
msg #98771
Ignore kstilwell
1/27/2011 3:22:27 PM

Target also outsources a lot of their IT.

6,411 posts
msg #98818
Ignore TheRumpledOne
1/31/2011 8:32:15 AM

Only funny because it is true!

StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · POLITICS GOES HERE<< 1 ... 41 42 43 44 45 ... 76 >>Post Follow-up

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