TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #95916 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
8/31/2010 6:00:01 PM
There is still HOPE for America.
If all the able bodied men 50 years or older took up arms and said, "enough is enough" then the elected officials would either listen or find out the real reason why the founding fathers wrote the SECOND AMENDMENT.
Why do I say 50 or older? Because we have been around the sun enough times and know we are on the downhill side of life. I would rather die fighting for freedom then sit on my hands doing nothing and allow the elected officials to continue to gut America.
What would have been the point of my grandfather fighting in WW I and my father fighting in WW II if "this" version of America is the end result?
karennma 8,057 posts msg #95934 - Ignore karennma |
9/1/2010 12:32:01 PM
R U kidding!!?
"hope" is about as effective in real life, as it is in daytrading.
Keep "hoping".
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #95942 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
9/1/2010 7:47:14 PM
We may see something like what happened to the USSR. That's HOPE to me!
If the states of Washington, Oregon and Idaho break away and form the country of Jefferson. Other states may join.
The sitting federal government needs to be abolished. A rewind to what the Constitution says is the federal's government place needs to occur.
karennma 8,057 posts msg #95992 - Ignore karennma |
9/3/2010 2:11:47 PM
Here's the REAL reason our elected officials have chosen to purposely let illegal immigration run rampant ...
Both DemoCraps and RepukeliCONS love CHEAP labor!
As per Haley Barbour (R-Mississippi)
"BARBOUR:. I don’t know where we would have been in Mississippi after Katrina if it hadn’t been with the Spanish speakers that came in to help rebuild. And there’s no doubt in my mind some of them were here illegally. Some of them were, some of them weren’t. But they came in, they looked for the work. If they hadn’t been there — if they hadn’t come and stayed for a few months or a couple years — we would be way, way, way behind where we are now. [...] "
Good job Guvna!
Guess what, ya' dumb ass!!?? We ARE way behind!!
In case you hadn't noticed, Guvna ....
Thanks to "partiots" like you, who love "foreign" workers, wages have dropped 50% in the last 10 yrs, manufacturing and customer service jobs have been outsourced overseas, and we've got "illegals" doing back-breaking construction work for $8./hr.
AND ... we've got 5 million unemployed American citizens starving on unemployment.
karennma 8,057 posts msg #95993 - Ignore karennma |
9/3/2010 2:20:39 PM
Somebody do the math on this ...
So this leaves HOW MANY UNEMPLOYED AMERICANS living off the dole?
petrolpeter 439 posts msg #96009 - Ignore petrolpeter |
9/4/2010 2:05:55 AM
Obama is letting illegal aliens in in order to teach all of us subsistence farming after the complete collapse of the USA.Basket weaving is the past time for women and men will mostly raise chickens in the family automobile along side the garage since it will not be needed to commute to work anymore.Wave a sombrero when our pres drives by in his old black chevy.
baldski 2 posts msg #96027 - Ignore baldski modified |
9/5/2010 8:33:17 PM
You all sound like a bunch of alien wingnuts from Beckistan! Look UP! Your enemies are the Millionaires and Billionaires that buy the government not down on brown and black people.
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #96037 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
9/6/2010 12:02:10 PM
There is some truth to what you say.
The invaders aka illegal aliens are a symptom not the cause. The cause is the failure of the elected officials to enforce the law of the land.
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #96142 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
9/10/2010 11:43:53 AM
Someone forgot they took the oath of office!!
"Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has undergone a dramatic policy change by outlining new guidelines that refuse to allow the deportation of non-criminal illegal aliens. Even though their very status as an unlawful resident is criminal in itself, ICE refuses to follow a fundamental guideline that has existed for decades.
This dangerous policy is sure to encourage and increase illegal immigration in the future, if illegal aliens know that the government will not deport them for their crimes."
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #96285 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
9/16/2010 12:30:35 AM