mesayah 658 posts msg #86474 - Ignore mesayah |
1/17/2010 10:32:51 PM
I thought about that also Mike. A filter where stocks with a disproportionate lack of swinging back over open can be pulled. can anyone code that?
Eman93 4,750 posts msg #86476 - Ignore Eman93 |
1/17/2010 11:32:01 PM
- Ignore stratiG 1/15/2010 5:33:31 PM
This is a scalping method in/out usually within the first 5 minutes. I wish I was smart enough to have
figured this out on my own, but I went to Yale and studied how to make thing more complicated than they need to be. This is Master TRO's method and I am his grasshopper. I was thinking about teaching my 5 year old to push a button over her summer break, so I can add another ticker. Not sure if my wife will go for it. I think I'll bring it up over dinner tonight.
I would read the the NEVER LOSE AGAIN thread over and over again to you figure it out. All the answer are here. If you don't understand something, I'll be happy to try and answer your questions. If you need the code for NinjaTrader, I will e-mail them to you. Otherwise, the code for e-signal and Tradestration are on Good Luck.
I have a question............ how are you trading this method?
Use TS and have all your orders auto loaded with stop limit buys and a $.10 trail?
Use stop loss buys?
What has been working for you?
stratiG 147 posts msg #86549 - Ignore stratiG |
1/19/2010 9:25:05 AM
So Stratig, have you done a comparison of scalping and letting it ride and only switching on crossover? Which comes out ahead or does it vary?
I have not done that comparison, but worth looking into.
stratiG 147 posts msg #86550 - Ignore stratiG modified |
1/19/2010 9:28:40 AM
StratiG are you calling your cows with this filter:
I use the filter that shows +- .10/.50. It's somewhere in this tread.
stratiG 147 posts msg #86585 - Ignore stratiG |
1/19/2010 3:43:37 PM
I have a question............ how are you trading this method?
Use TS and have all your orders auto loaded with stop limit buys and a $.10 trail?
Use stop loss buys?
What has been working for you?
I use my Hot_Key set-up for limit buy/sell orders. I don't use a trailing stop I manually move my stop up/down.
This seems to work for me, but there might be a better way.
mesayah 658 posts msg #86586 - Ignore mesayah |
1/19/2010 3:56:16 PM
I want a system for lazy mid-day people.
TheRumpledOne 6,411 posts msg #86616 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
1/19/2010 11:45:18 PM
"The technique is so simple that just several lessons (or a few pages of explanations) cover it all. Now what? Now the student has to practice, practice and practice again to understand what he had been taught. The teacher DOES know much more than the student, but his understanding can't be "passed", "transferred" or taught in any way -- not even by reading books."
johnpaulca 12,036 posts msg #86620 - Ignore johnpaulca |
1/20/2010 12:05:29 AM
How about a Vulcan mind meld???

Eman93 4,750 posts msg #86624 - Ignore Eman93 |
1/20/2010 12:27:55 AM
There is do or do not.....
Be like the rat.
Much unlearning you must do.
mesayah 658 posts msg #86625 - Ignore mesayah |
1/20/2010 12:46:11 AM
No. i get most of it, it's just i wish there was a midday version so i can sleep. i realize most of the steam has gone by then.
I like this system but would prefer to go long or short and not skim. I looked at it and though you get some flat profit days that way, you also get some grandslams when you ride it out and only change from zone to zone.Some days as much as $5,000 based on 100g. So i know you said it should be obvious or we are goofs if we don't understand everything but, if i'm playing LET IT RIDE and not scalping i should wait to go long after green after missing the full red zone taking a .40 loss correct?
Because even with the loss long term it's still profitable.