dangreene 229 posts msg #51377 - Ignore dangreene |
4/30/2007 11:08:16 AM
Why wasn't this promoted here ?
jbesr1230 28 posts msg #51384 - Ignore jbesr1230 |
4/30/2007 5:39:14 PM
TRO has been very generous on SF, sharing his knowledge, techniques, and answering questions. Like the rest of us, he’s just looking for the mis-priced financial assets. Perhaps this is one.
Be interesting to see how he does. I’ve often wondered how these ads work out.
“Why wasn't this promoted here?” About $500,000 short here. It’s only pocket change.
as214 184 posts msg #51385 - Ignore as214 |
4/30/2007 11:03:47 PM
Good for him TRO is a class act that deserves all the success that comes his way.
I always tell those I know that are new to trading that it isnt necessary to spend a dime on services but I would make the exception here. I will proudly recommend this link knowing the caliber of the individual behind it's creation.
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #51388 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
5/1/2007 8:54:39 AM
This forum is NOT for promoting, it's for sharing FREELY. If anything, this thread should be DELETED.
shaikhhali 42 posts msg #51397 - Ignore shaikhhali |
5/2/2007 3:55:40 AM
i wanted to make an order but my country was not listed there so i can't put my address.
so can you add it to your country list TRO
WALLSTREETGENIUS 983 posts msg #51403 - Ignore WALLSTREETGENIUS modified |
5/2/2007 6:35:05 PM
"This forum is NOT for promoting, it's for sharing FREELY. If anything, this thread should be DELETED."
Oh brother....can somebody hand TRO a violin, with inscription that reads..."I'm the most modest person on the planet!"
I mean...LOL...TRO is the biggest back door scammer I know! LOL...funnny
Didn't you just love the part where TRO said..."only 1000 will be sold!" ROFLMAO!!!! That was great Avery! I just love seeing those cheezzy little websites. Now I know why TRO wants this thread "deleted." lol....
Keep up the great work Avery....cant wait for Russell to see this! LOL....
5/2/2007 6:49:19 PM
Hey wait a cotton-pickin-minute!...where's the P.O.Box number? No way guys....this isn't "TRO!" It's an imposter, trying to be TRO! LOL....no, if there's no P.O. Box, then it's NOT Avery's...
alf44 2,025 posts msg #51407 - Ignore alf44 modified |
5/3/2007 12:19:15 AM
Nobody...and I mean...NOBODY...
...works SOOO SOOO SOOO hard to present...and, put forth an "internet persona"...without EVENTUALLY trying to capitalize...in one way or another !
And I don't have a problem with that ! fwiw
TRO has provided these Forums with SOOO much FREE info...it's...well...quite frankly...unbelievable !
BUT...there are PLENTY of SF contributors here...
...and most of them will NEVER try to "capitalize" !
I don't have a problem with that...either !!!
Hey !!!
TRO NEVER...promoted this "Gap Bounce System" HERE...on the SF Forums !
TRO NEVER... attempted to "BAIT" anyone HERE... into some ridiculous "eBay SCAM"...like one individual here once did !
In short, TRO has given FAR MORE to these Forums...than he will EVER receive back !
If, along the way he thinks he has discovered a "system"...and he thinks it is "valuable" enough to "put a price on" and try to "peddle"...then...I say...
Good luck in your endeavors !
TRO...PLEASE know NOW though...you are NO LONGER "ONLY" what you always purported to be...that is...someone who ALWAYS "gives your scans/filters/indicators away for FREE"...you are NOW...just another "VENDOR"...JUST LIKE eSIGNAL...whom you purport to despise...SELLING YOUR PRODUCT...to ANYONE willing to whip out their Credit Card !!! LOL
petrolpeter 439 posts msg #51409 - Ignore petrolpeter |
5/3/2007 2:43:59 AM
When does the camera pan over to the part of the beach where the nice girls in bikinis play volleyball?
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #51410 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
5/3/2007 12:57:02 PM
Hey Alf:
My arm was "twisted". I am NOT involved in the selling. The marketers handle all that stuff. I just get my share whenever someone buys. I can code a filter or indicator in minutes. Takes me WEEKS to document it properly. That's worth a little something, isn't it?
I still post FREE code on SF and www.kreslik.com.
I still help people for FREE via posts, email, IM, phone, and my chatroom.
So I haven't gone over to the "DARK SIDE".