kenzax 3 posts msg #35731 - Ignore kenzax |
4/24/2005 5:37:32 PM
I tried to scan all stocks in a two different industries by using the following filter:
industry is air-courier or industry is coal
and it doesn't seem to work. Any clue?
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #35780 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
4/27/2005 7:35:00 PM
Usually for testing numbers the following works to simulate OR LOGIC:
But count is not working in this case... StockFetcher to the rescue!
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #36861 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
7/12/2005 9:06:28 AM
SF... did you see this?
tomb 267 posts msg #36863 - Ignore tomb |
7/12/2005 9:11:01 AM
Two of your "set{}" statements have errors; there is no closing paren with the count statements.
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #36870 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
7/12/2005 1:17:52 PM
SET{B, COUNT(INDUSTRY EQUAL coal,1) } Function(): internal of count did not evaluate: industry equal coal
INDUSTRY EQUAL Coal Warning: Invalid classification
now what?
Can we see the STOCK FETCHER INDUSTRY filter code please?
tomb 267 posts msg #36872 - Ignore tomb |
7/12/2005 1:43:07 PM
You are correct, it is not possible to evaluate the sectors/industries as you indicate. We will look into adding this feature and will post an update when this available.
Thank you,
Tom Support
powermob 19 posts msg #41181 - Ignore powermob |
2/13/2006 6:57:09 PM
This seems similar to the question I posted today. Any progress yet on scanning with "or" type commands for selected industries?
yepher 359 posts msg #41183 - Ignore yepher |
2/13/2006 7:14:03 PM
Here you go TRO try this:
You can get the list of industry numbers from my page. Although I noticed Coal is missing.. I will fix that.
-- Yepher
powermob 19 posts msg #41239 - Ignore powermob |
2/15/2006 11:50:41 PM
OK, since the SF sector classifications don't match the Dow Industry Classification Benchmarks, I attempted to determine which "sectors" your "industries" would fall under. I then tried to specify which "sectors" I wanted to search under by listing the applicable "industries". In the case of say Consumer Goods, I have over twenty "industries". Unfortunately, the logic used to do the search would not allow me to even use 4 industries in combination with my other set statements and search parameters. Any other helpful workarounds or progress on "or" statements. Alternatively, any chance SF will alter "sectors" and "industries" to fall in line with the Dow Classification Benchmarks so they could also be used with other systems that used this classification system?
craigk 24 posts msg #41241 - Ignore craigk |
2/16/2006 3:09:13 AM
I read there is no standard for industries and sectors.
IBD and others have different sections. And things change Semi (SOX) did not exist 40 years ago. I Saw a "chart of the week"(free servce, I like free) in Jan 2005 that said "Marine transportation" was the biggest moving sector a 7% in a month. Marine transportation? cargo and oil tanks stuff. Did not even know that was a sector. Big Dividends in tanks now.
I am not a export though. (just started reading about trading last year with Toni Tuners book no short term trading)