xplorer 257 posts msg #32032 - Ignore xplorer |
5/11/2004 8:10:39 PM
I am trying in vain to develop a screen to find the charts that have the Bollinger bands converging ...and TIGHT !
Any help is greatly appreciated !
Thanks in ADVANCE !
yepher 359 posts msg #32060 - Ignore yepher |
5/13/2004 10:15:00 AM
This might get you close
xplorer 257 posts msg #32083 - Ignore xplorer |
5/13/2004 10:12:40 PM
Thanks yepher ...
...sometimes yah just need another perspective. You gave me what I needed !
Much appreciated !
yepher 359 posts msg #32084 - Ignore yepher |
5/13/2004 11:48:17 PM
I am glad that it helped.
I thought I had posted the text book form of all 4 bollinger methods but I could not find them. I will try and dig them up and post them here if I can figure out where they are.
xplorer 257 posts msg #32087 - Ignore xplorer |
5/14/2004 6:35:54 AM
I beleive there is something wrong ...
... although the syntax is correct, and It is what I was looking for.
by adding the "and bollinger(20) bands are converging" does not further refine the results. I will log this as a bug.
Thanks again !
xplorer 257 posts msg #32088 - Ignore xplorer |
5/14/2004 6:49:08 AM
I reviewd the User manual to find the correct usage of the "converging" ... here it is :
... thanks again for getting me on the right track !
xplorer 257 posts msg #32089 - Ignore xplorer |
5/14/2004 7:04:05 AM
So ... bringing it all together, this is what I have :
The charts that is brings up are exactly what I needed... the "piss poor" market is swaying the back testing... but when the market turns, this filter will perform very well. It does isolate the stocks consolidating prior to a breakout. Perhaps further refinement, intigrating volume ??? or adding (if possible) "and the slope of RSI(10) of the NASDAQ is above 0" ....
yepher 359 posts msg #32091 - Ignore yepher |
5/14/2004 11:14:58 AM
Sorry for the logic/syntax error in the filter.
Any one interested,
Here are some filters I made while reading through the book "Bollinger on Bollinger Bands". These are the text book form of what is described in the book and website. I may have messed up the diveraging/converging here becuase I always do it the same way?!?
Method I - Volatility Breakout
Description: Bollinger Width is at a 6 month Low
Here is a variation I like because Bollinger Bands can spend a lot of
time compressing:
Description: Bollinger Width was at a 6 month Low and is now expanding
Method II — Trend Following
I have chosen to use "Typical Price" that Bollinger describes in his
book rather then the close price when calculating %B.
Description: %B > .8 and MFI(10) > 80
Here is the same filter but using Volume weighted MACD instead of MFI:
Method III - Reversals
Sorry I lost this filter somewhere along the way :( Metastock tends to show this filter as pretty good.
Method IV - Confirmed Breakout
Mactheriverrat 3,164 posts msg #99538 - Ignore Mactheriverrat |
3/8/2011 1:13:09 AM
Method II — Trend Following
Mactheriverrat 3,164 posts msg #114202 - Ignore Mactheriverrat modified |
6/23/2013 2:14:14 PM
This Filter come's from a old SF posters called Yepher. He also has a external site that has a lot of SF filter tricks.
See Method II — Trend Following on Yepher's post.
It's a very good trend finding filter minus the Bollinger stuff for playing off the EMA(13) give or take a little on each side of the EMA(13) .
Here's my version of Yepher's Trend Following playing the EMA(13) with trends. You can always change the chart time to how ever many months you want. I myself look using the biggest charts possible first then go on from there. One can always narrow there search by change and price above ema(50) to and price above ema(13)