taylorsk 106 posts msg #92413 - Ignore taylorsk |
5/10/2010 9:55:52 AM
Everyone was all in a snit when the market moved down but there is no investigation on a 350 gap up? True Fear and greed. Humans are so predictable. I can hardly wait for Cramer to tell us how the bears got crushed today.
karennma 8,057 posts msg #92414 - Ignore karennma |
5/10/2010 10:18:14 AM
If the truth be known, many traders were "bagholders" on Friday.
We're all very grateful to see this hefty "rebound" today.
BTW ... no "investigation" is necessary ...
Are the markets manipulated? Of course!
That's old news.
Even if this is a "suckers rally", it's an opportunity for all those caught with their "pants down" Friday, to pull 'em up!
Go with the flow.
karennma 8,057 posts msg #92438 - Ignore karennma |
5/10/2010 10:21:47 PM
"Goldman Sachs Has First Perfect Quarter With Zero Trading Loss"
Well I guess so. Easy for you to always win when you make the rules.
Zero-sum game.
Scru U Goldman Sachs.
miketranz 975 posts msg #92440 - Ignore miketranz |
5/10/2010 10:47:46 PM
News moves markets,futures move markets,today you have global news moving markets.One would think stocks represent a company.Wall Street wants you to believe that you're buying a piece of the company.What they're really selling you is a bag of goods,set up in a way to take the money out of your pockets,through hype,insider trading,market guru scams,government intervention,talking heads chanting,the list goes on and on.That's what the stock market's all about.Besides the manipulation,90% of the big money that drives the market is computer driven,set up by some of the smartest minds on the planet.Lets put it like this,you're sitting down at a poker table playing with an open hand,while the house has four buried aces.That's about all the chance you have in the market.So the next time you put on a trade,just remember who you're going up against......
marine2 963 posts msg #92446 - Ignore marine2 |
5/11/2010 12:10:47 AM
Day trading and very short term trading is the method now. What with the way the markets are moving (fast time) you will need your trading tool (lap top, cell phone, etc) with you at all times and your ear to the news. When the markets begin reacting you need to be razor sharp ready to respond. This new trading game is not for the meek and mild. If you can not play this game you need to be in other investments (cd's, money market, treasury notes, etc). There's a new sheriff in town and his draw is so fast you need superman speed to catch up to it. Meaning our markets can turn on a dime so quickly and if you're not on top of it you will miss the move. And that could be mean losing lots of money. Beware of the danger now, super computers with their programming are leaving us individual traders at a big disadvantage.
Mactheriverrat 3,163 posts msg #92447 - Ignore Mactheriverrat |
5/11/2010 12:32:23 AM
What would happen if someone typed in a n
jrbikes 624 posts msg #92449 - Ignore jrbikes |
5/11/2010 2:27:23 AM
I called the SEC and they said it was o.k.!
miketranz 975 posts msg #92458 - Ignore miketranz |
5/11/2010 8:19:55 AM
The only trade I would take in this market would be a quick scalp off the open,fade the gap,use a tight stop,that's it.Holding anything overnight is a high risk game.Unless you can guess or predict which way the futures are headed,I'm not that good,you're playing Russian roulette with your money.The only ones who can possibly benefit from this market are the insiders who know way before hand what the real deal is and position themselves to make a killing as usual.In the mean time until things cool down,I'm headed to the poker table.Plenty of action.At least there I have a good shot with my money.......
marine2 963 posts msg #92497 - Ignore marine2 |
5/12/2010 1:50:32 AM
Mike, you understand the current game. I commend you. I too know how hazardous it is now. The insiders play by their own rules and leaves us in the dust many times. Good to play safe for awhile until safeguards are in place.