alf44 2,025 posts msg #51688 - Ignore alf44 |
5/18/2007 11:44:56 PM
...what are YOU...some kinda "CHARTIST" ?
I outta hop a "military flight and beat the living daylights out of" !!!
guru_trader 485 posts msg #51696 - Ignore guru_trader |
5/19/2007 5:21:55 PM
Enter the string this way but get rid of the space after the "<" and before the ">" signs ...
< IMG src= "" >
see ...

guru_trader 485 posts msg #54635 - Ignore guru_trader |
9/8/2007 12:27:43 AM
When is this stock (TKER) going to pop?!
jrbikes 624 posts msg #54642 - Ignore jrbikes |
9/8/2007 3:35:13 PM
Niko, that is the coolest unhappy face I have ever seen!
udisgv7 13 posts msg #54745 - Ignore udisgv7 |
9/12/2007 10:54:46 AM
you did a good job but not good enought.
you took the MACD zero crossover and SAR for granted but you missed other indicators (2) which could warn you that entering in april 07 is premature and brings you nowhere (at least for now).
these 2 indicators could show you that entering in mid 04 has a very very high chance for explosive breakout and trend.
i'm backtesting them with my trading concept for many months, and the results are unbelievable.
nikoschopen 2,824 posts msg #54749 - Ignore nikoschopen |
9/12/2007 4:44:37 PM
Niko, that is the coolest unhappy face I have ever seen!
If you ask me, that's one helluva unhappy looking chart in my eyes.
nikoschopen 2,824 posts msg #54751 - Ignore nikoschopen |
9/12/2007 4:56:50 PM
Excuse me for butting in, but what the hell are these "2 indicators" that you mention so favorably and yet conveniently forgot to share with the simpleton like me?
karennma 8,057 posts msg #54753 - Ignore karennma |
9/12/2007 5:03:55 PM
Wait a minute.
You posted this chart on 4/14/07, expecting a "breakout", correct?
At that time the stock was around 0.31 cents.
It's now .17 cents.
WHEN was it supposed to breakout?
heypa 283 posts msg #54769 - Ignore heypa |
9/13/2007 12:25:22 PM
You're being unfair. He said in a couple of months and made no mention of a proposed buy date. Of course I think it has been more than a couple of months but who can argue with his returns.Very impressive. I suppose the usual has happened. If he had kept it to himself it would have been a big winner ,but exposed a clunker.Such is life.
curmudgeon 103 posts msg #54790 - Ignore curmudgeon |
9/14/2007 12:50:01 PM
I just have a hard time with this kind of strategy. Theres so many stocks in solid uptrends that dredging in the OTC's for these stocks like this seems fruitless. Too much "hope" involved for me.