four 5,087 posts msg #94504 - Ignore four |
7/2/2010 12:29:06 PM
karennma 8,057 posts msg #94505 - Ignore karennma modified |
7/2/2010 12:49:42 PM
If that moron Obama did this to those SLACKER Federal gov't workers, we'd have an instant SURPLUS, instead of a deficit.
I meant to say OVERPAID SLACKER gov't workers ....
In Wash. DC ... the average sec'y makes $75K./yr. ... to do mostly nothing.
Our tax dollars at work ... my @$$!!
karennma 8,057 posts msg #94506 - Ignore karennma |
7/2/2010 12:52:34 PM
I see no reason Y Fed. gov't workers @ SEC get paid $250K/yr. ... watching PORN on their computers.
TheRumpledOne 6,453 posts msg #94508 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
7/2/2010 2:07:56 PM
On talk radio it was proposed that government workers earn a lot more on average than their private industry counterparts. And, of course, have a better benefits package.
The Revolution is long overdue. I hope it's not too late.
karennma 8,057 posts msg #94511 - Ignore karennma |
7/2/2010 2:43:44 PM
In the summer, all the gov't workers in my neighborhood are outside working on their yards (9:00 am to 5PM).
If I ask them if they're on vacation, they say, "no" ... they're "telecommuting" ... "working" from home.
Our tax dollars at work ... my @$$!!
gmg733 788 posts msg #94567 - Ignore gmg733 |
7/5/2010 9:25:25 PM
I was watching a report recently about the pension plans being under water. Some states can not legally change the plans, but they can make the work force work longer. Some states that can adjust the pension liabilities are doing so and others are increasing the retirement age for state workers. The huge negative public feedback during the bank bailouts sent a message to state law officials that the private sector is not willing to bail out the pension plans for the public sector. Love or hate Arnold, this is a tough thing for him to do and subsequently the right one. With the average total benefit for the public sector employee surpassing the private sector, this dichotomy does not scale for obvious reasons.
I'm not about small government or big government, but for efficient government.