nibor100 1,055 posts msg #160123 - Ignore nibor100 |
2/22/2023 11:11:27 AM
I just ran it again for 2/17 and my last 4 column for TESLA are 88.12, 1.81, 12.59, 0.60 so 3 are the same and one is different by 2 cents.
Ed S.
15minofPham 170 posts msg #160124 - Ignore 15minofPham |
2/22/2023 12:03:33 PM
I realized where I messed up was that I ran the filter on yesterday's date instead of Friday's. Awesome job and thank you so much again for your help Ed!
15minofPham 170 posts msg #160175 - Ignore 15minofPham |
3/23/2023 1:20:27 AM
Hi Ed,
Is there a way to have a column show how many times over the past 52 weeks the highabvopen% is greater than the 52 wk mov avg up high % abv open?
Thank again!
nibor100 1,055 posts msg #160177 - Ignore nibor100 |
3/24/2023 9:57:07 AM
I'm not sure what you mean by this phrase at the end of your question:
up high % abv open
Is it a variable or label in your personal filter or does it have a typo....
Please clarify,
Ed S.
15minofPham 170 posts msg #160178 - Ignore 15minofPham |
3/24/2023 10:17:47 AM
Let's take TSLA for example. Going into this week, its 52-week avg high above the open during a green week is 11.20. This week's high above the open is 12.68 so it beat the 52-week avg. I was wondering if there's a way to do a count of the number of times this has happened over the past 52 weeks.
nibor100 1,055 posts msg #160224 - Ignore nibor100 |
3/31/2023 2:32:21 PM
Sorry about taking so long to get back to you... but below is my attempt to add a column for what you want.
I've only coded it to do a 1 week comparison so you can check and see if I'm comparing the right things before I code it to total for 52 weeks.
Let me know,
Ed S.
15minofPham 170 posts msg #160275 - Ignore 15minofPham |
4/10/2023 11:48:36 AM
Thank you so much again Ed! I had to strip it down in order for it to work due to the "Stock filter is too advanced" note. I didn't want to upgrade just for one filter.
15minofPham 170 posts msg #160287 - Ignore 15minofPham |
4/17/2023 10:53:22 AM
Hi Ed,
I thought I reversed everything correctly for a low screen, but apparently, I didn't. Could you please take a look at this when you have time.
Thanks again!
set{wclop, weekly close - weekly close 1 week ago}
set{Long_Profit, wclop/ weekly close 1 week ago}
set{wkprofitpct, 100 * Long_Profit}
set{diff, weekly close - weekly low}
set{range, weekly high - weekly low}
set{pos, diff/range}
set{wkpos, pos *100}
set{var2, count(weekly wclop < 0, 1)}
set{var3, count(weekly wclop greater than or equal to 0, 1)}
set{var22, count(var2 < 0, 12)}
set{var33, count(var3 < 0, 12)}
set{a1, weekly low-weekly open}
set{m1, a1/weekly low}
set{lowbelowopen%, m1 *100}
set{c1up, lowbelowvopen% * var2}
set{c1dn, lowbelowopen% * var3}
set{smc1up, sum(c1up,12)}
set{smc1dn, sum(c1dn,12)}
set{var222, smc1up/var22}
set{var333, smc1dn/var33}
set{d1, var222-var333}
set{n1, d1/var333}
set{wklylowdiff, n1 *100}
set{e1, lowbelowopen%-var222}
set{o1, e1/var222}
set{abv12wkavg, o1 *100}
add column wkprofitpct
add column weekly rsi(14)
add column wkpos
add column weekly average day range(12)
add column weekly RSquared(close, 12)
add column separator
add column abv12wkavg
add column lowbelowopen%
add column weekly low{wk_high}
add column weekly open{wk_open}
add column separator
add column wklyhighdiff
add column var222 {12 wk mov avg up low % below open} draw var222
add column var333 {12 wk mov avg down low % abv open}draw var333
add column separator
add column count(lowbelowopen% above 3%, 12){wkly3%/12}
add column count(lowbelowopen% above 5%, 12){wkly5%/12}
add column count(lowopen% above 10%, 12){wkly10%/12}
add column separator
add column var22{up/12}
add column var33{down/12}
add column separator
average day range(63) above 1
sort column 16 descending
chart-display is weekly
snappyfrog 733 posts msg #160288 - Ignore snappyfrog |
4/17/2023 8:21:21 PM
Making it clickable
nibor100 1,055 posts msg #160293 - Ignore nibor100 |
4/19/2023 11:07:23 AM
Here it is after my corrections, key one being divide by weekly open instead of weekly low, and with some other typos:
Ed S.