guru_trader 485 posts msg #66168 - Ignore guru_trader |
8/14/2008 12:29:08 AM
My high-speed x386 running Win 3.1 is starting to slow down so it might be time for an upgrade soon.
There are a lot of websites selling "trading computers" ... have any of you had any luck with any of those companies or do you have any recommendations?
I need to stick with WinXP since no software I like runs on Vista.
johnng74 9 posts msg #66170 - Ignore johnng74 |
8/14/2008 3:04:19 AM
Unless that you're doing some super high frequency trading, usually, there is nothing special with the computer if you trade by hand. Just make sure that you have lots of memory (1 - 2G for XP sufficient enough) ... and make sure that you have a high speed connection.
chetron 2,817 posts msg #66171 - Ignore chetron |
8/14/2008 6:40:07 AM
if you are working with a 386. anything will do. personally i won't buy a computer with an AMD processor. only INTEL Pentium will do.
dforant1 76 posts msg #66199 - Ignore dforant1 |
8/14/2008 7:11:32 PM
I have an AMD processor 64 Athlon 2.20ghz, 512 MB DDR SDRAM and it has run very well with XP for 4 years. . $400 including printer and would buy another in a heartbeat. It runs every day 6am til 11pm. Then again not doing any photo stuff or the like. Just surfin and trading.
tomm1111 202 posts msg #66260 - Ignore tomm1111 |
8/16/2008 3:41:12 AM
Kudos to you if you found this web site on a 386. Wow. Even reading this is a blast from the past! My first computer was a state of the art 386 back in 1989.
Personally, I wouldn't worry about a "trading" computer. Any modern computer (~$600 max) will do. (Intel or AMD)
My only requirement for a "trading" computer would be a dedicated video card to run 2 monitors. On-mother board video cannot do this very well if at all.
And of course, previously mentioned, a high speed internet connection.
SFMc01 358 posts msg #66263 - Ignore SFMc01 |
8/16/2008 8:37:55 AM
I suggest that you think of future "flexibility." One "rule" of life is that "In time ... all things ... Change." How you are trading today may not be anything like how you are trading tomorrow. I now do automated day-trading and it requires a very powerfull computer.
My suggestion is that you consider buying as fast/powerfull and as expandable a computer as you can afford. Skimp at this time, if necessary, on memory, disk space, monitor etc. Make certain graphics cards can be upgraded later.
That's up to you. Adding memory, etc. later is very very simple and not too time consuming, but, changing entire computers later means reinstalling programs etc. The last time I did that it cost me better than 10 total hours and lots of agravation re-registering programs etc.
Good luck ... Steve
luc1grunt 622 posts msg #66302 - Ignore luc1grunt |
8/17/2008 7:17:45 AM
drew9 171 posts msg #66334 - Ignore drew9 |
8/18/2008 12:03:32 AM
I recently went down this path and it is painful with the XP vs Vista dilemma. If you want XP you had better do it now as Microsoft has yanked marketing on it except on the very low end models. I just found one on eBay - a nice loaded Dell with a screaming dual core with 3 Gig RAM and 500 Gig HD for less that $600 with shipping. They sent Vista as well. With Vista you can buy more memory, but it takes up 1 Gig just to properly run it. That is why I decided to stick with XP for awhile.
guru_trader 485 posts msg #66378 - Ignore guru_trader modified |
8/18/2008 6:57:57 PM
Do you think the Quad Core AMD Opteron 8354 will be fast enough for me? :)
TheRumpledOne 6,431 posts msg #66427 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
8/20/2008 10:17:35 AM
Off the shelf Dells with duo core Intel chips for around $500 work just fine.
I have a rule of thumb:
If the system can't be traded from a laptop at the beach, it's too complicated.