klynn55 747 posts msg #96370 - Ignore klynn55 |
9/18/2010 9:17:39 AM
13th was just a human pump and dump!
klynn55 747 posts msg #96371 - Ignore klynn55 |
9/18/2010 9:43:15 AM
Alf: a question for you, if you run a chat, can you manipulate your members by alerts? How technically , what mechanic procedure would you use to profit ? ive heard the term frontloading? Would you buy when you give a short alert?
alf44 2,025 posts msg #96373 - Ignore alf44 modified |
9/18/2010 11:35:57 AM
... first off ... I would never "pay" for a chat room !
I've sat in a few (free) stock chat rooms for entertainment purposes but they quickly became tiresome. And ... they really didn't do much to improve my trading .. in fact they were a distraction. But, that's just me. I'm sure there are good rooms out there ... somewhere.
As for "muddy" and "13th" ... beyond their posts here at SF I don't know anything about them or their chat room ... OR ... whether or not they are one and the same ! fwiw
I certainly was not intending to be critical of either of "them" ... as I don't know ... ah hem ... "them".
As for any nefarious shenanigans and goings on in some chat rooms ... who knows !
I'm sure "stuff" happens !
But, if a person chooses to blindly follow "someone" in a chat room ... into a trade ... without doing ANY of their own work I guess they should do so knowing that ... that "someone" may very well have an agenda ... and ... that their agenda in all likelyhood is not the same as yours !
Just sayin' !!!
TheRumpledOne 6,455 posts msg #96436 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
9/21/2010 5:39:49 PM
Muddy got mad at me because I got mad at 13th because he didn't give me credit in an article for the filter that I wrote.
I think some of that back and forth was on a SF thread.
Everyone knew I was the one who came up with the RUN FOREST, RUN filter that Muddy, 13th, etc... modified to their own liking. But 13th didn't have the common decency to mention me by name in the article. So when I busted his chops about it. Muddy started busting mine.
That's life.
miketranz 975 posts msg #96453 - Ignore miketranz |
9/22/2010 9:05:13 PM
I said it time & time again.Most of these so called "market gurus" couldn't trade their way out of a paper bag.So they decide the next best way to make money is to "sell a system" of sorts to the unsuspected public.They now become "self proclaimed market wizards".I hate to tell you this,the only way to make money in the market,is to come up with your own methods,through trail & error.The market in real time & real money will give you the best education money can buy.......
jrbikes 624 posts msg #96562 - Ignore jrbikes |
9/25/2010 9:46:58 PM
Sorry Alf, she can't make it, she is cooking me breakfast! (Jessica)
alf44 2,025 posts msg #96577 - Ignore alf44 modified |
9/26/2010 7:50:51 PM
jr ... you bastid !!!
I had the champagne on ice ... and the Viagra was locked and loaded !!!
jrbikes 624 posts msg #96578 - Ignore jrbikes |
9/26/2010 8:50:31 PM
alf44 2,025 posts msg #96621 - Ignore alf44 modified |
9/29/2010 9:15:37 PM
... in reading some of the ...uhhh ... "claims" in THE SF Forums ... I'm reminded of:
Specifically ... if you actually believe the BS ... I got some "SwampLand" for sale !!!
NOW ... where are my hip waders ? It's gittin' pretty damn deep in here !!!
klynn55 747 posts msg #96628 - Ignore klynn55 |
9/30/2010 7:51:38 AM
alf: your view of swampland needs to be updated, the alligators are being harvested,"Swamp People" , logging is big in swamps,
"Axe Men" , and marcellus shale is the new energy play!