MARY4MONEY 806 posts msg #67701 - Ignore MARY4MONEY |
9/24/2008 10:40:42 AM
fre at 0.25---Day's Range: 0.15 - 0.30 thats 150% fnm at 0.35 now ----Day's Range: 0.20 - 0.40 - that >100%
alf44 2,025 posts msg #67706 - Ignore alf44 |
9/24/2008 12:46:54 PM's an idea "Mary"...and I hope you take it !!!
Create a it whatever you want but call it something !!!
In that thread, post ALL of your "trades" ongoing record of ALL your "trades"...for all to see (should they choose to do so) !!!
There is absolutely NO reason to create an entirely new thread...every time a thought pops into your brain !
It's spam !!! It's annoying !!! It's ridiculous !!!
Give it some thought...whadda ya say ???
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #67709 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
9/24/2008 4:24:11 PM
Hey Alf, no disrespect but if you don't like something.. JUST IGNORE IT!
Telling people what to do, how to do it, where to do it, and/or when to do it can start a fight.
That's the job of the forum admins.
If people would just leave each other alone, there would be a lot less battles.
Actually, this post is telling you what to do so it's hypocritical.
But my intention is to END BATTLES BEFORE THEY START.
Everyone knows I have been in enough battles to know.
So can we all just STOP THE MADNESS, please!!
alf44 2,025 posts msg #67710 - Ignore alf44 modified |
9/24/2008 4:54:36 PM
Hey RumpledOne, no disrespect but... post was a direct attempt to..."STOP THE MADNESS" !!!
There are 50 threads listed...on each page...of each Forum Section !!!
In the "Filter Exchange" Section...on that first page...of the 50 threads listed...20 of them are "Mary's" !!!
Do you not think that is "MADNESS" ???
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #67711 - Ignore TheRumpledOne modified |
9/24/2008 5:29:14 PM
Glad you asked.
What I think does NOT matter.
So long as people follow the forum rules, what I think about where they post, what they post, when they post and how post DOES NOT MATTER. If I don't like it, I can choose to ignore it. No one is forcing me to read any threads or posts on this forum.
What matter is what the SF Forum Admins think. If they don't care if M4M posts that way, then it is OK to post that way. If it becomes a problem TO THE SF Forum Admins they'll do something about it.
Until then, can we PLEASE just focus on stock selection and trading instead of being critics.
Actually, I agree with you but it is NOT my forum. On Kreslik, someone was doing the same thing. I asked them NICELY to put all their messages in a single thread. They ignored me. So I had to WARN them and let them know my finger was on the BAN BUTTON. But here, I am NOT an admin. If I don't like something, I send them an email instead of posting about it.
FuriousThug 256 posts msg #67712 - Ignore FuriousThug |
9/24/2008 5:36:36 PM
Well, I've posted on this before but here again:
I don't object to the content of M4M's posts...nor do I have any desire to "ignore" his posts. I DO think it's, at the least, inconsiderate to start a new thread around every trade though. It muddies the utility of the forums. Start an M4M thread and drop it all in there...I'd still read it.
Just an appeal.
alf44 2,025 posts msg #67713 - Ignore alf44 modified |
9/24/2008 5:41:27 PM
There is absolutely NO reason to create an entirely new thread...every time a thought pops into your brain !
I repeat...
"There are 50 threads listed...on each page...of each Forum Section !!!
In the "Filter Exchange" Section...on that first page...of the 50 threads listed...20 of them are "Mary's" !!!
It's spam !!! It's annoying !!! It's ridiculous !!!
The posts are not even "filter related"...(read the SF posting guidelines for each Forum Section) ... the very least... they should be cluttering up the "General Discussion" Section !!! LOL
luc1grunt 622 posts msg #67720 - Ignore luc1grunt |
9/24/2008 8:25:37 PM
***sound of golf clap*****
MARY4MONEY 806 posts msg #67729 - Ignore MARY4MONEY |
9/25/2008 9:52:47 AM
fre on day 2 is 0.10 to 0,55 or up 450%