Wowzers 35 posts msg #68395 - Ignore Wowzers |
10/14/2008 12:46:09 AM
wow, looks like someone didnt take his meds today. Lemme guess, your probably p'd off I didnt give you credit when you called the bottom A DAY EARLY. now, that isnt really a big deal but i was telling MARY4MONEY and NOT YOU that he made a good call, so please, if you have nothing good to say, myofb!
thanks you for your time buddy!
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #68401 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
10/14/2008 8:09:21 AM
I love it!!!
maxreturn 745 posts msg #68402 - Ignore maxreturn |
10/14/2008 9:12:34 AM
Wowzers, be careful before you give Mary too much credit. He/she has a history of calling bottoms. Based on my observation at best she's right less than 50% of the time. The rally we had yesterday wasn't on the strongest of volume. If you go back and look at a daily chart of how the s&p bottoms if is very rare that a "V" bottom occurs. My thinking is that we could see the rally follow through for a day or two but once we hit a key fib level and/or the declining 50 and 20 period ema's a retest of the lows is highly probable.
alf44 2,025 posts msg #68407 - Ignore alf44 modified |
10/14/2008 10:15:49 AM
"wowzer"...dig this goofus !!!
I NEVER called a "bottom" you git it straight !
I called THE RALLY...big difference ! fwiw
I think I termed it a "Hair On Fire Rally"...and by any estimation it WAS just that !
Secondly, I don't make a habit of screaming "BOTTOM" on a weekly basis...with the regularity of "Chicken Little" your buddy "Mary" seems to enjoy doing...and I definitely DON"T...after being DEAD WRONG countless times...scream "BOTTOM" on the very day that the Market is in the middle of a 700 point freefall meltdown !
Just a few ...uhhh...subtle differences I thought you needed to be made aware of !
decipherlinda 133 posts msg #68442 - Ignore decipherlinda |
10/15/2008 10:11:14 AM
Thanks for the heads-up on "best buys are cheap financials like fnm fre aig abk and so". Whether they're good for me or not is irrelevant. If we all shared our best thoughts on which stocks and/or class of stocks looked best, my guess is we'd all benefit.
I'm not aware of nor concerned with the personal history on SF. As TRO said, I believe, making money is the only thing.
A study was done years ago asking people how many miles it is to the moon. Estimates were all over the place but when all the responses were averaged, it was within a few miles of being absolutely right.