optionplayer333 801 posts msg #113741 - Ignore optionplayer333 |
5/28/2013 12:29:17 PM
dia,dog,sh,spy,slv,agq,uslv,dslv,gld,dzz,zsl,ugld,dgld,dust,nugt,iwm,rwm,ddm,dxd,sds,sso,gdx,udow,sdow,twm,upro,spxu,spxl,spxs,tna,tza,erx,ery,fas,faz,tecl,tecs,edc,edz,srty,urty,sqqq,qqq,tqqq,bxub,bxdd,drv,drn,soxl,soxs,qld,qid) remove · edit> here are the etfs other than gold and silver that mirror the spy> you just get in them when the spy is at a top or bottom reversal> we had a bottom reversal on 5-23 and 5-24>so you put 505 of you 401k into urty or tna or their opposite at tops tza and srty> and on the giant gap up today you sold at the top of the 100 lr line spy at 167.70>
urty>from Friday low>106-116 in 1 day tna 47-52 in 1 day>this is much safer and easier