MARY4MONEY 806 posts msg #82027 - Ignore MARY4MONEY |
10/29/2009 12:59:33 PM
i joined wallstreet survivor in may and won the 500$ weekly prize 4 times and came in 2-6th 6 times--you all may make a joke of me-but i have given you incredible valuable info on here-Weekly --6-- 85.99% - im in 6th place with an 86% gain so far----here are is where i wonn the weekly contest- with gains of 400-2300% in a week of trading--Weekly Options Winner
Week of May 8th, 2009
+2,380.39%, Hot Option: BYO EO
Weekly Options Winner
Week of May 15th, 2009
+1,390.79%, Hot Option:
Weekly Options Winner
+1,750.47%, Hot Option: BYO EN
Weekly Options Traders
August 2009
August 21st mary622
+438.57% Hot Option:BYO HQ
$500 Cash Prize
Kevin_in_GA 4,599 posts msg #82028 - Ignore Kevin_in_GA |
10/29/2009 1:07:35 PM
I would feel a little defensive as well after some of the comments here - but don't believe that everyone feels that way. They don't.
I think that you're contributions have been very solid. I have paid attention to the resources and strategies you have posted, as have others.
Keep sharing.
karennma 8,057 posts msg #82031 - Ignore karennma |
10/29/2009 2:13:05 PM
Yes, M4M.
We do APPRECIATE your feedback.
Remember, also, ... there are many "lurkers" here, who I'm sure, would love to be able to do what YOU do!
Thanks for your efforts.
Keep up the GREAT work!!
alf44 2,025 posts msg #82032 - Ignore alf44 modified |
10/29/2009 2:27:57 PM
M4M...I'm sure we're all impressed !
BTW...why is this self-promoting BS in the FILTER EXCHANGE section of the Forums !
I see absolutely NOTHING...even remotely related to an SF filter...uhhh...ANYWHERE in the contents of your post !
With all due respect ... if you're gonna post this kind of fantasy paper trading stuff...could you at least do it in the "Discussion" area ?
Is that asking too damn much ?
I would venture to say that 99% of the crap you post ... SHOULD ...go in the DISCUSSION FORUM !!!
HELLO...the SF "powers that be" created different Sections of the Forums for a reason !!!
Nobody else here seems to have a problem with that but...YOU !!!
Git with the program !!!
TheRumpledOne 6,412 posts msg #82048 - Ignore TheRumpledOne |
10/29/2009 4:41:30 PM
moby 314 posts msg #82065 - Ignore moby modified |
10/29/2009 8:37:02 PM
nice going MFM, that's a lot of contests!
tmanbone 124 posts msg #82073 - Ignore tmanbone |
10/29/2009 9:31:53 PM
I pay close attention M4M. Thank you.
limestar 79 posts msg #82100 - Ignore limestar modified |
10/30/2009 1:19:21 AM
It makes no sense. Why bother with stock option "contests" when you can just make the so called gains for your own accounts? I mean $500 cash prize...big deal. Sounds like a bother to me. One of ur excellent posted trades is always way more than $500. Makes 0 sense to me.
karennma 8,057 posts msg #82109 - Ignore karennma modified |
10/30/2009 8:01:40 AM
Why bother with a "contest"?
The best athletes in the world can attest to that.
Also, sometimes, M4M makes typographical errors.
The "$500" could've been $5,000 ... or $500,000.
But it doesn't matter.
HE won the money for being good at what he does.
******* PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT. *********
jnafach 74 posts msg #82158 - Ignore jnafach |
10/30/2009 7:34:37 PM
well looking at wallstreetsurvivor looking at winners and look at the change in portfollio value it does not make sense for me