MARY4MONEY 806 posts msg #52897 - Ignore MARY4MONEY |
7/9/2007 8:12:24 AM
buy these options at the open today-- all july calls ma 165-180 cat 80-85 crox 45-52.5 and akam 50-55
MARY4MONEY 806 posts msg #52898 - Ignore MARY4MONEY |
7/9/2007 8:17:29 AM
CQJGI 1.55 +0.35 3,013.00 1.50 1.55 14,806.00 45.00 CQJSI 2.00 -0.90 242.00 1.95 2.10 4,708.00
CQJGW 0.70 +0.15 964.00 0.70 0.75 10,475.00 47.50 CQJSW 3.60 -1.20 272.00 3.60 3.80 1,561.00
CQJGJ 0.35 +0.05 683.00 0.35 0.40 8,930.00 50.00 CQJSJ 5.70 -1.30 42.00 5.70 5.90 830.00
CQJGX 0.20 +0.10 193.00 0.10 0.20 3,283.00 52.50 CQJSX 8.00 -1.20 26.00 8.20 8.30 460.00
CQJGK 0.07 +0.02 34.00 0.05 0.10 2,986.00 55.00
78.81 Last as of 7/6/2007
CATGP 1.20 +0.29 1,409.00 1.21 1.24 13,933.00 80.00 CATSP 2.65 -0.95 801.00 2.59 2.64 7,836.00
CATGQ 0.25 +0.04 1,038.00 0.25 0.28 7,606.00 85.00 CATSQ 6.56 -1.34 4.00 6.65 6.75 1,246.00
CATGR 0.09 +0.01 271.00 0.07 0.08 2,085.00 90.00
UMUGI 2.95 -0.35 321.00 2.90 3.00 4,169.00 45.00 UMUSI 0.35 208.00 0.30 0.40 15,422.00
47.54 Last as of 7/6/2007
UMUGJ 0.40 -0.15 1,172.00 0.35 0.45 9,739.00 50.00 UMUSJ 2.75 +0.35 641.00 2.75 2.85 4,657.00
UMUGK 0.05 -0.05 636.00 0.05 0.10 4,390.00 55.00
MALGL 5.20 -0.20 964.00 5.20 5.40 4,223.00 160.00 MALSL 3.20 -0.36 372.00 3.00 3.20 3,142.00
161.90 Last as of 7/6/2007
MALGM 2.90 -0.30 812.00 2.75 2.90 6,057.00 165.00 MALSM 5.80 -0.70 119.00 5.60 5.80 2,685.00
MALGN 1.25 -0.40 742.00 1.30 1.45 4,045.00 170.00 MALSN 9.80 -0.20 58.00 9.20 9.40 787.00
MALGO 0.60 -0.20 424.00 0.55 0.65 3,268.00 175.00 MALSO 13.70 -0.50 13.00 13.40 13.70 614.00
MALGP 0.20 -0.15 221.00 0.20 0.30 1,057.00 180.00 MALSP 17.00 1.00 18.10 18.40 187.00
MALGQ 0.10 -0.05 86.00 0.05 0.15 1,900.00 185.00
jrbikes 624 posts msg #52918 - Ignore jrbikes |
7/9/2007 7:59:50 PM
I understand a little about these options, but not much, explain this phenomenom to me! isnt there several different kind of options, I will listen (read) and believe me there will be no Bias!
MARY4MONEY 806 posts msg #52921 - Ignore MARY4MONEY |
7/9/2007 11:47:10 PM
basically if a stock is at say 50$ and you think it will go to 55$ you buy the one option contract for the 55 strike which is 100 shares for about 1.20 a share or 1.20x 100=120$ per contract- if you bought the 100 shares at 50$ it would cost you $5000- so if the stock goes to 55$ you make 500$ but if you bought the option for almost one 40th the price of the stock and the stocks goes to 55$ your option contact would be worth about 500$
MARY4MONEY 806 posts msg #52922 - Ignore MARY4MONEY |
7/9/2007 11:48:03 PM
update on crox calls i recos on here while crox at 43$--Sell CQJ GI 2007/07/21 call on CROCS INC at $45.00 100 $1.10 $3.70 $37,000.00 236.36% $26,000.00
Sell CQJ GW 2007/07/21 call on CROCS INC at $47.50 200 $0.70 $2.15 $43,000.00 207.14% $29,000.00
Sell CQJ GW 2007/07/21 call on CROCS INC at $47.50 200 $0.70 $2.15 $43,000.00 207.14% $29,000.00
Sell CQJ GV 2007/07/21 call on CROCS INC at $42.50 100 $1.70 $5.70 $57,000.00 235.29% $40,000.00
Sell CQJ GJ 2007/07/21 call on CROCS INC at $50.00 200 $0.35 $1.10 $22,000.00 214.29% $15,000.00
Sell CQJ GH 2007/07/21 call on CROCS INC at $40.00 150 $3.60 $8.00 $120,000.00 122.22% $66,000.00
Total: $322,000.00 63.66 % $205,000.00
Shorted Stock Portfolio
xxxg0t_ric3xxx 21 posts msg #52931 - Ignore xxxg0t_ric3xxx |
7/10/2007 8:15:30 AM
Ok.... you first recommend to buy crox and now short??
jbrtrader 32 posts msg #52935 - Ignore jbrtrader |
7/10/2007 9:47:00 AM
Great call on the akam calls,was that one based on low rsi(2)?Got a nice pop on the news AH yesterday
cello13 88 posts msg #52939 - Ignore cello13 modified |
7/10/2007 11:40:42 AM
He's still long in CROX. The "sell" must be copied out of investopedia...
xxxg0t_ric3xxx 21 posts msg #52941 - Ignore xxxg0t_ric3xxx |
7/10/2007 1:42:17 PM
Ma sank
guru_trader 485 posts msg #52979 - Ignore guru_trader |
7/11/2007 3:37:12 AM
Ya guys, don't pay attention to the word, "sell", at the beginning of each line of mary4money's posts ... that is a COPY of click-able link from within his investopedia account