StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · THE ULTIMATE CONFIRMATION TO WILLIAMS(2)<< 1 ... 2 3 4 5 6 >>Post Follow-up
52 posts
msg #66220
Ignore dcsnowden
8/15/2008 11:14:05 AM

983 posts
msg #66224
8/15/2008 11:54:42 AM

"Anger?"...I was laughing (ROFLMAO?) Didn't you get it? Your post was uninformed, erelevent, and most of all...BLINDLY stated! All this meaning...IT MEANT NOTHING. I was just merely schooling you in the art of...."NEVER L@@K A GIF(T) HORSE IN THE MOUTH!"

Clearly you're new here, because you'd KNOW if I were "angry".....LOL Oh, "LOL" means laughing-out-loud. Much like "ROFLMAO". Turn your PC on more than once a week, and all these little abbreviations will come to you. Here's one more....



52 posts
msg #66230
Ignore dcsnowden
8/15/2008 3:53:13 PM

983 posts
msg #66231
8/15/2008 4:09:21 PM

Sorry "snowden", but that guy has been long gone ever since "alf44" got a hold of him! There's still a glimps of THAT "riggs" from time-to-time, but all it takes it a poster like YOU to bring out the Jykel & Hyde out of me. And let's face it...that happened to be my very 1st post. Do you really think I would have gotten anywhere had I introduced you to WALLSTREETGENIUS (Dr. Hyde) right out of the gate? Also, back then I wasn't driving a Spider 360, and I didn't fly coast-2-coast in a private Jet. And I didn't have a house cleaner or a Nanny. When one accumulates these types of luxuries, a certain evil creaps in and changes you for life. But I will say's been good for you guys here at SF that's for sure. That whimp in YOUR post, would have NEVER accomplished anything the "GENIUS" has! So I'de rather you just thank me, and be on your way!


52 posts
msg #66234
Ignore dcsnowden
8/15/2008 4:48:46 PM

28 posts
msg #66465
Ignore ehansen6
8/20/2008 3:43:09 PM

Thanks for this filter, I'm trying to learn all I can. What about the Bullpower, how does that fit in again, I'm kinda confused by the comments. So the three that confirm (just so I get this straight) us the falling price with PO rising, the williams rising and rsi down?

983 posts
msg #66466
8/20/2008 4:17:24 PM

Yes. Exactly...that's the "Triple" I spoke about. As for "Bullpower?" Run a search on it, and you'll see many of my posts on it. I consider myself an expert on the "Elder-Ray," so I've had plenty to say about this indicator.


6,412 posts
msg #66476
Ignore TheRumpledOne
8/20/2008 5:49:07 PM


set{xRange, high - low}
set{AvgRng, cma(xRange,5) }
set{HiOp, high - open}
set{Long_Profit, HiOp/open }

set{B10A, count(Long_Profit > .10 , 100)}

set{A10A, count(Long_Profit > .10 , 1)}
set{chg, sum( A10A - A10A 1 day ago ,5)}

set{ opcl1, open - close 1 day ago }
set{ clop, close - open }
set{ oplo, open - low }
set{ locl, close - low }

set{ nightup, count( opcl1 above 0, 100) }
set{ dayup, count( clop above 0, 100) }

set{chgn, sum( opcl1 ,5)}
set{chgd, sum( clop ,5)}

set{chgn100, sum( opcl1 ,100)}
set{chgd100, sum( clop ,100)}
set{hiop100, sum( hiop ,100)}
set{oplo100, sum( oplo ,100)}
set{locl100, sum( locl ,100)}

and add column B10A {GT10%}

and add column nightup
and add column dayup
and add column opcl1
and add column clop
add column chgn100
add column chgd100
add column hiop100
add column oplo100
add column locl100

and add column separator

and add column AvgRng

and add column separator
add column industry
add column sector
and add column separator



PE is between 3 and 30
ROE is above 15
Williams %R(2) is increasing 1-day ago
Projection Oscillator(14) is increasing 1-day
RSI(2) is below RSI(2) 1 day ago
volume is above 100000
close is above 1

sort column 5 descending


This uses Riggs' selection criteria and shows which stocks are the best traders.

Looks like the idea of statistical trading is becoming popular:

If you use a symlist as your selection criteria, this filter becomes a display/report of your list's performance.

column chgn100 is sum of the overnight profit/loss
column chgd100 is sum of the daily profit/loss
column hiop100 is sum of the open to high profit/loss
column oplo100 is sum of the open to low profit/loss
column oplo100 is sum of the low to close profit/loss

6,412 posts
msg #66482
Ignore TheRumpledOne
8/20/2008 8:00:20 PM

Okay, by now I've been able to PROVE that RSI(2) is nothing more than a deep water swimmer. While my Williams %R(2) is the REAL fortune teller. But what If I was to show you a "confirmation" to an already PERFECT Oscillator? it possible you ask? Yes!...

In the "General Discussion" room, I asked "chetron" to code an Oscillator that has NEVER been discussed in any SF forum until now! It's my secret weapon of all weapons. Well, "chet" couldn't do it, but someone found it in the SF indicators list. I couldn't believe it! I've been using this on for some time, and it is something that YOU guys will learn to NEVER do without!

It's called Projection Oscillator(14). It's basically COG & Williams(2) wrapped into one. It gives you the early projection rise that Williams(2) offers, and at the same time gives you the precise turning points that COG(5,3) gives you. BTW, That (5,3) is my creation. You wont find anyone on the net turning Center of Gravity (COG) into a perfectly engineered Stochastics like "I" have.

The reason I'm letting this "SECRET WEAPON" out (like that "alf44?") is because I'm getting dozens of e-mails about "which stocks to choose from?" Or "how do I cut down the amount of returns?" Well, that's why I wanted someone to code it, and to my surprise, "SafeTrade" dusted it off the SF shelf, and blessed us with it!

Steve Nison gave this to about 15 of us on the last day of a 5-day Candlestick workshop. He said this...and I remember it like it was yesterday!....

"Projection Oscillater (Developed by Mel Widner, P.H.D) is by far the most useful tool out there! And what I'm about to share with you, will make each of you (15 of us) some of the most successful Traders anyone will ever know."

- Steve Nison -

You know what? He was right, because I don't know ANYONE better than myself! Really! I mean that wholeheartedly. That's why I'm always running my mouth, and challenging people all the time. When you couple WILL / RSI divergence, DMA(28,-14) and Projection have a formula that will make any Market maker screem! They hate it when you pick a perfect precise bottom.

Ever since I shared my trading set-up with this forum community, not one single person has been able to deny it's power! Even the JOKERS (you know who you are) are left silently in amazement. But now comes the delicious, delectable final ingreient to my success.


There are very few that use PO(14) the way "I" do. That doesn't surprise me, because very few actually see what "I" see on a chart. My friends and co-workers say that I "see dead people!" It's true. I see things on charts that almost NO ONE see's! So this should come to no surprise to any of you that have known me for the last 4-years here at SF. So when I say do it MY way, and NOT what the book tells better take heed!

The same holds true with PO(14). Dr. Widner tells you to use this at the "extreme levels."...i.e...80/20, or 70/30. Not me brother....I'm already long gone by then with pockets stuffed with cash! Because by the time it takes PO(14) to reach the "80" mark, I've already been in & out of about 2 stocks already! If you're using it above "80", you better start with looking for negative divergence, because it then begins to find a way back down BELOW-80. It wont sit up there like RSI does.

I look for 3 different moves period. The first is when it gives you a little move up when price is falling. That's your wake-up call! When it does that, take a look at Williams(2). The two together are like a perfect 10 score in a synchronized swimmers competition. They almost ALWAYS mimic each other, and yet they have totally different day periods (14/2). The second move I watch for is when it's falling, but gives you a slight cut to the right. That's telling you that it's DONE falling, and to get ready for a slight move up. The last is the long sharp moves but price barely moved up. It's usually a small coservative white candle, but a noticable, out of the ordinary, 1/2 inch move on the chart. These sharp moves ALWAYS are the beginning of a nice 2-3 day pop...if not more! But want a "SMALL" candle on those, otherwise it will be a day you want to exit, or just stay away period. Also don't forget to staw away from the upper reference line "80".

Look at (AIRT) on 8/4/08. Do you see what took place AFTER that? Now look at (ALGT) on 7/1/08. Do you see the move up while the stock almost fell a whole $1? And like clockwork, it was a day that Will(2) also rose from the ashes! Result?...a 4-day $2 move on a cheap stock, in a crapy industry! Next is (ALK) on 7/15/08. Price falling, PO(14) up, WILL(2) up, RSI(2) bottom feeding! Are you noticing on your OTHER Oscillators that they AREN'T moving up? Look at Stochastics, RSI, etc...when these guys ring the bell, the COWS come runnin! Here's another one....(AMR) also on the 15th. Do I really need to hold your hands on this one too?

Now, not only did I use one of the worst performing industries (Airlines) as an example in alphabetical order, but I even used the stocks in semi alphbetical order to show you how incredible YOUR future trading can be. Again, look at all your other Oscillators when price is falling. What do THEY tell you? Don't bother...I already know. Are you going to tell me that "PRICE ACTION" is telling you the same? BULLSHIT!...and notice these aren't set-ups where there's a volume spike giving you a heads up. No, this is a "Crystal Ball"....a "Magical" loophole in the system, might as well just deem it the freakin' "HOLY GRAIL" of "HOLY GRAIL'S!"




Draw Bollinger bands(50,.20)
Draw Bollinger Bands(10,.10)
Draw 3-day slope of Bollinger bands(50,.20)
Draw parabolic Sar
Draw Linear Regression Indicator(20)
Draw Bollinger bands(10)
PE is between 3 and 30
ROE is above 15

Williams %R(2) is increasing 1-day ago
Projection Oscillator(14) is increasing 1-day
RSI(2) is below RSI(2) 1 day ago
Draw Weekly RSI(2)
offset 0

NORMALIZE accumulation distribution */

set{adval, INDPOSITION(accumulation distribution, 60) * 100 }


set{obval, INDPOSITION(OBV(1), 60) * 100}

NORMALIZE williams %R(2) */

set{wrval, INDPOSITION(williams %R(2), 60) * 100 }

Draw wrval line
Draw adval on plot wrval
Draw obval on plot wrval

Draw COG(5,3) line at 0
Draw Bearpower on plot Bullpower
Draw Bullpower line at 0
Draw MACD(4,8)
Draw Williams %R(20) line at -75

volume is above 100000
sort column 10 descending
chart-time 45-days
close is above 1

set{WRSb,days(weekly RSI(2) is above weekly RSI(2) 1 day ago,100)}
set{WRSa,days(weekly RSI(2) is below weekly RSI(2) 1 day ago,100)}
set{WRSxWRS, WRSa - WRSb}
set{WWLb,days(weekly williams %R(2) is above weekly Williams %R(2) 1 day ago,100)}
set{WWLa,days(weekly Williams %R(2) is below weekly Williams %R(2) 1 day ago,100)}
set{WWLxWWL, WWLa - WWLb}

set{RSb,days(RSI(2) is above RSI(2) 1 day ago,100)}
set{RSa,days(RSI(2) is below RSI(2) 1 day ago,100)}
set{RSxRS, RSa - RSb}
set{WLb,days(williams %R(2) is above Williams %R(2)
1 day ago,100)}
set{WLa,days(Williams %R(2) is below Williams %R(2)
1 day ago,100)}
set{WLxWL, WLa - WLb}
set{POb,days(Projection Oscillator(14) is above Projection Oscillator(14) 1 day ago,100)}
set{POa,days(Projection Oscillator(14) is below Projection Oscillator(14) 1 day ago,100)}
set{POxPO, POa - POb}

set{v, volume 1 day ago}
set{volinc, volume - v}
set{volpc, volinc / v}
set{volpct, volpc * 100}

set{VolZ, days(volume < 1,100)}
set{VolUp, days(volume is below volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VolDn, days(volume is above volume 1 day ago,100)}
set{VolCnt, VolUp - VolDn}

set{vck1, volume 1 day ago }
set{vck, volume / vck1 }
set{vdbl, days(vck < 2, 100)}

Set{Bullpower, high minus ema(13)}
Set{Bearpower, low minus ema(13)}
set{BLb,days(BullPower is above BullPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BLa,days(BullPower is below BullPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BLxBL, BLa - BLb}
set{BRb,days(BearPower is above BearPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BRa,days(BearPower is below BearPower 1 day ago,100)}
set{BRxBR, BRa - BRb}

SET{VMACDD,MACD(4,8) histogram}
set{mhis,indposition(macd(4,8) histogram,60)}
set{mhist,macd(4,8) histogram}
set{mhisb,days(mhist is above 0, 100)}
set{mhisa,days(mhist is below 0, 100)}
set{hstxhst, mhisa - mhisb}
set{var1,count(macd(4,8) histogram 1 day ago < macd histogram(4,8),1)}
set{mhisp,days(var1 < .5,100)}
set{var11,count(macd(4,8) histogram 1 day ago > macd histogram(4,8),1)}
set{mhisn,days(var11 < .5,100)}

add column industry
add column PE
add column EPS
add column ROE
add column adval
add column obval
add column Weekly RSI(2)
add column Weekly RSI(2) 1-day ago(1dayago)
add column RSXRS
add column WLXWL
add column POXPO
add column BLxBL
add column BRxBR
add column mhisp
add column mhisn
add column hstxhst
add column Vdbl
add column volpct


"Okay, by now I've been able to PROVE that RSI(2) is nothing more than a deep water swimmer. "

Then why is:

RSI(2) is below RSI(2) 1 day ago
Draw Weekly RSI(2)

set{WRSb,days(weekly RSI(2) is above weekly RSI(2) 1 day ago,100)}
set{WRSa,days(weekly RSI(2) is below weekly RSI(2) 1 day ago,100)}
set{WRSxWRS, WRSa - WRSb}

part of your filter?

2,025 posts
msg #66484
Ignore alf44
8/20/2008 9:57:27 PM

...uhhh...perhaps because he's...FOS !!!

StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · THE ULTIMATE CONFIRMATION TO WILLIAMS(2)<< 1 ... 2 3 4 5 6 >>Post Follow-up

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