mahkoh 1,065 posts msg #141141 - Ignore mahkoh |
1/18/2018 4:08:02 PM
59 posts
msg #141019
- Ignore ferndave 1/15/2018 10:08:11 PM
@tennisplayer2 4.5.41? I thought the last version for download was 4.5.40.
I'm on 4.5.40. And not to throw more cold water, but when I did the comparisons, it was with the same version. I find it helpful to have separate development data folders that I make new signals on. I then have a 'master' data folder that only contains the final version of signals exported from the dev folders. Multiple folders also let me take advantage of more of my processor. Maybe it is because of the old architecture, but SS only uses 15-20% of my CPU when running a set-up. Running multiple instances multiplies that.
Ferndave, do I understand correctly that you run multiple instances of Stratasearch simultaneously on the same computer?
tennisplayer2 210 posts msg #141150 - Ignore tennisplayer2 |
1/18/2018 7:13:25 PM
My signals for 1/18 are Buy #23 and Sell #23.
ferndave 65 posts msg #141154 - Ignore ferndave |
1/18/2018 9:02:42 PM
@mahkoh I do. One install of the SS program and multiple copies of Data Folders in the "StrataSearch Data" folder. Make sure "Launch Data Folder Selection at Startup" is ticked in the System Settings. Quit SS. Then duplicate the Data Folder you've been using. I have 5 data folders. One only for daily signals, and four for development. Name the copies to whatever makes sense to you. Next time you launch SS, it will ask which data folder you want to use. Open SS again, and the first data folder you chose will be greyed out. Choose a different data folder, and you'll have two instances of SS running at the same time. Repeat for more.
I don't know if it has been mentioned here, but always, always have a scheduled backup for each data folder. Especially if you only use a single one. SS is pretty robust on recovering from a crash, but it isn't worth risking the loss of days/weeks/months of work. I have mine going to a network drive for extra safety. Could also set the destination to a cloud drive like Dropbox or Google Drive.
nibor100 1,055 posts msg #141166 - Ignore nibor100 |
1/19/2018 10:03:12 AM
My new signals from last night are 1 Buy #23 and 1 Sell #23 with 9 Holds #34, 38, 40, 35, 20, 19,15,31 and 33
Ed S.
mahkoh 1,065 posts msg #141178 - Ignore mahkoh |
1/19/2018 2:13:27 PM
Ferndave, neat trick! This is a serious speed upgrade with maintaining my systems, thanks!
ferndave 65 posts msg #141191 - Ignore ferndave |
1/20/2018 9:46:20 AM
@mahkoh glad it helps you
Friday night signals for me:
Buy: 23
Sell: 20, 23, 38
Hold: 19, 31, 33, 34, 35
tennisplayer2 210 posts msg #141214 - Ignore tennisplayer2 |
1/20/2018 10:06:16 PM
My signals from 1/19.
Buy 23
Sell 20, 23, 38
Hold 15, 19, 34, 35, 40
shillllihs 6,050 posts msg #141215 - Ignore shillllihs modified |
1/20/2018 10:43:35 PM
You guys are industrious little bees.
But tell me, how do you buy #23 and sell #23 at the same time in the morning?
This system might only be beneficial in an environment like 07/14-01/16. Not in a bull market and never has been tested in a bear market, so maybe 10% of the time.
You do know it’s a bull market and price is below Standard Error so buy all you want.
graftonian 1,089 posts msg #141266 - Ignore graftonian |
1/22/2018 8:59:31 PM
signals from 1/22
SELL: 34, 40, 35, 33, 23
ferndave 65 posts msg #141267 - Ignore ferndave |
1/22/2018 9:04:24 PM
Mine run on 1/22:
Sell: 23, 33, 34, 35
Hold: 15, 19, 31