marine2 963 posts msg #70389 - Ignore marine2 |
1/4/2009 10:38:49 PM
We all know shorting stocks can be quite lucrative if you know what your doing. I however, do not short stocks. When it turns dark and dismal I either sell out of a particular stock or stay out of the market. Knowing yourself, knowing the market, knowing your risk tolerance, knowing which filters you have created that make you feel comfortable in using them, all determines your success in playing the markets. If you're learning to be a competent trader / investor you might want to start with small amounts of share buys / small amounts of money involved. Take baby steps at first until you feel comfortable with a particular filter, broker, brokerage house, yourself, etc, etc. Happy trading.
SFMc01 358 posts msg #70391 - Ignore SFMc01 |
1/5/2009 9:51:03 AM
Marine2: Thank you. As always, your advice is appreciated. Steve
alexgwoodruff 17 posts msg #70409 - Ignore alexgwoodruff modified |
1/5/2009 11:27:38 PM
I love this thread! Thank you so much.
One of the inherant risks of using Stockfetcher is that it is such a complex tool. It is all too easy for the user, me, to start a quest for that atmosphere bursting filter. The end result is that I own 70 filters of such intricacy that sometimes I don't understand what they are actually filtering.
Some of the members of this forum have the confidence, knowledge and experience to be able to withstand the nonsense and impart some really good basic advice - this thread is an great example of that.
Thanks again, it is nice to be brought back to earth and to see such a beautiful filter!