MARY4MONEY 806 posts msg #81012 - Ignore MARY4MONEY modified |
10/13/2009 9:33:08 AM
YOU USE A 52 WEEK MA OF THE INDEXES-- IF YOU LOOK AT A 10 YEAR GRAPH ON THE SPY -YOU WANT TO LOOK AT THE PLACE THE WEEKLY(52) TURNS UP OR DOWN AND ITS VERY SMOOTH AND ACCURATE-- YOU WILL SEE spy turned up at 970 in may 2003 and went up to >1550- then in jan 2008 it turned down at 1380 and went down to 680 our march bottom- well we just turned up again in the last 3 weeks and based on the angle and time of the previous move from 2003-2008 we should continue up for at least another 2.5-3.5 years and also you want to add the 13 and 26 weekly ma s too- if you do that you will see the 13 weekly ma just crossed above the 52 week and the 25 weekly ma will crossbove in the next month-this is called the bow tie cross over
karennma 8,057 posts msg #81026 - Ignore karennma |
10/13/2009 3:31:43 PM
Can you post a chart of the "bow-tie"?
johnpaulca 12,036 posts msg #81027 - Ignore johnpaulca |
10/13/2009 4:11:40 PM
It's a Dave Landry thang...pretty old school.
johnpaulca 12,036 posts msg #81028 - Ignore johnpaulca |
10/13/2009 4:16:02 PM
Check out the real Bow Tie (<:
Bowtie pattern, looks allot better than Dave Landry's Bowtie pattern.

MARY4MONEY 806 posts msg #81031 - Ignore MARY4MONEY |
10/13/2009 4:45:21 PM
how do you post graphs on here- i cant ever seem to do it--it would be alot easier to show you my system if i could-thanks
alf44 2,025 posts msg #81032 - Ignore alf44 |
10/13/2009 4:52:31 PM
kewl, jp !!!
chetron 2,817 posts msg #81035 - Ignore chetron modified |
10/13/2009 5:45:50 PM
Cacher 121 posts msg #81042 - Ignore Cacher modified |
10/13/2009 8:22:05 PM
The way to post an image is..... use HTML ... the same way to show an image on a web page. First the image needs to be uploaded to a web server ... looks like JP uses Then the URL of the picture is simply embedded between the < and the >.
So ... JP's image has the HTML code, including the URL of :
img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"
and if I embed that same line between the < and > ,,, I get :
Cacher 121 posts msg #81195 - Ignore Cacher |
10/16/2009 8:31:56 AM
I am looking at jumping into YHOO this morning (Friday 10/16) ... and that "Bow-Tie" is staring me in the face. I am not familiar with the interpretation on that formation .... but thought I'd share. It is not the reason I am jumping in ... its more that internet advertising is coming back fast, and YAHOO has the best online advertising. Sure Google has the lion share of the search engine ... but thats not the advertising part of it ... YAHOO is making some nice strides in coming back to... and this stock will continue to climb ... IMHO.
