acfncp3 59 posts msg #93056 - Ignore acfncp3 |
5/23/2010 12:35:33 AM
I've been looking at the DPO indicator but can't seem to use it with SF. What I would like to see is when DPO crosses the lower bollinger band (10,.8) from above. Is there a way to code this with SF.
Systrader 56 posts msg #93087 - Ignore Systrader |
5/24/2010 2:34:00 AM
This might be a start although I did not get any results ...
I assume you are wanting the DPO(10) to cross below the lower bollinger band using the standard deviation of the DPO values.
Systrader 56 posts msg #93088 - Ignore Systrader |
5/24/2010 2:36:29 AM
DP(1) Typo corrected to DP(10)...
set{avg, CMA(DPO(10),10)}
set{sigma, cstddev(DPO(10),10) * 0.8}
set{upper_band, avg + sigma}
set{lower_band, avg- sigma}
show stocks where close is above 5 and
average volume(30) is above 100000 and
DPO(10) crossed below lower_band and
and draw DPO(10) and
and draw upper_band on plot DPO(10) and
and draw lower_band on plot DPO(10)]
moby 314 posts msg #93089 - Ignore moby |
5/24/2010 2:51:01 AM
DP(1) Typo corrected to DP(10)...